Driving Under the Infulence Causes Ann Arbor Rollover Car Accident on I-94
The Ann Arbor drunk driving crash lawyers at Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. are reporting on a single rollover car accident that killed Jeffrey Jerome Robinson and injured one more. The accident happened on Thursday, May 9th around 2:30 a.m on I-94 near Stone School Road. According to police, Mr. Robinson lost control of the vehicle which caused it to roll over just west of Platt Road. Alcohol is suspected of contributing to to the crash as well as the lack of seat belt usage.
I am so sorry to hear about this tragic accident. My condolences go out to the families of the deceased victims, and I hope the injured victims have a fast recovery without any permanent damages.
According to Michigan Traffic Crash Facts, there were a total of 11,068 drunk driving accidents in the year 2008 in Michigan. Of those drunk driving crahses, 5,700 people were injured and 317 were wrongfully killed. Drunk driving crashes are highly preventable of all accidents that occur. In 2010, more than 1.4 million people were arrested for a DUI or drug use.
Ann Arbor drunk driving crash lawyers in Michigan advise victims of their legal rights. For this particular single rollover crash, the injured victim may be able submit a claim for Michigan No-Fault benefits. No-Fault benefits will cover their medical expenses, lost wages, attendant care, replacement services, and other benefits related to injuries suffered in the car accident. The injured victim can claim these benefits even if they did not have a Michigan automobile insurance policy (more…)