Uninsured Motorist Lawsuit Filed by Ann Arbor Car Accident Lawyer

Our Ann Arbor car accident lawyers recently filed an uninsured motorist lawsuit on behalf of our client who was rear ended while driving on Heweitt Road and Michigan Ave. in Ypsilanti, Michigan. he uninsured motorist lawsuit seeks damages for the pain and suffering, disability, and other personal injury damages caused by the accident. The case was filed in the Washtenaw County Circuit Court in Ann Arbor, Michigan and seeks damages for the pain and suffering, disability, and other personal injury damages caused by the accident.

The impact of the collision was strong as the other driver rear ended our clients vehicle at a very high rate of speed and was given a ticket by the police for driving negligently and not keeping an assured clear distance between the two vehicles. In fact, under Michigan statute, MCL 257.627, all  forbids drivers from driving “at a speed greater than that which will permit a stop within the assured, clear distance ahead.” Therefore, victims who are injured in a Michigan rear ending accident often times have a great case against the negligent driver or driver at fault.

The at fault driver did not have a car insurance policy at the time of the accident. Fortunately, our client had purchased uninsured motorists coverage from his own insurance company, Allstate Insurance Company. This provides him with coverage in the event that he was injured in an auto accident by an uninsured driver. The lawsuit seeks payment of those benefits from the insurance company.

Our client suffered serious injuries in the rear end auto accident, including a thoracic spine fracture with spinal cord compression, a low back injury, and a neck injury. His treating neurosurgeon has recommended a surgery. However, he is proceeding with conservative treatment including spinal injections to try to avoid the need for surgery. No trial date has been set by the court.

Victims injured in rear end accidents do have legal rights and often times, under Michigan law, have a great case against the at fault driver.  To learn more about your legal rights after an Ann Arbor car accident, call our top rated personal injury accident law firm now at (800) 606-1717.  Our top rated Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. lawyers will represent you under our No Fee Promise, which means no legal fees or costs until we win or settle your



Fatal Garbage Truck Accident Near Ann Arbor

There was a tragic story in the paper today about a woman killed in a fatal garbage truck accident near Ann Arbor on February 9th in Washtenaw County. According to the Michigan State Police, a 35-year-old Ypsilanti woman was driving her car on I-94, near Michigan Avenue, when she was allegedly t-boned by a garbage truck. The woman did not survive the crash. Police are still investigating this accident.

I am very sorry to hear about this accident and send my sincerest condolences to the family of the Ypsilanti woman on  their loss.

Our Michigan car accident lawyers advise accident victims of their legal rights. For this type of auto accident in Michigan, the family members of the deceased woman may be able to make a claim for Survivor Loss Benefits. This can include payment of funeral expenses, lost wages, and loss of other services.

In addition, the car accident injury victims may also have claims for personal injuries against any driver determined to be at fault in this auto accident. The insurance company for the negligent driver typically pays a settlement for this type of case. In this lawsuit, the injured victim can claim damages and compensation for the injuries suffered in the accident.

Also, the family members of the deceased woman may have a claim for a Michigan wrongful death lawsuit against the driver that police determine was negligent and caused this accident. At the very least, the surviving family members should hire the best possible lawyer to look into these possibilities.

An experienced Michigan car accident lawyer can assist the victim with this type of claim. Accident victims should not speak with the insurance adjuster for the negligent driver before consulting with an attorney.

If you would like more information about your rights after a Michigan car accident, you can order our FREE book, “The Ultimate Michigan Car Accident Handbook” by clicking on the book link. We will send it out immediately along with other important information.

For more information about Michigan car accident cases, visit our law firm web site at www.BuckfireLaw.com. If you would like to speak with one of our Michigan car accident attorneys about your case, feel free to call us anytime at (800) 606-1717 or simply submit this contact form and we will get back to you quickly.

Wrongful Death Lawsuits

As Michigan accident and injury lawyers, we often represent family members of a person who died or was killed as a result of the negligence of another person, corporation, or other entity.   A case seeking damages for the loss of a family members is  filed as a Michigan Wrongful Death Lawsuit.

A Michigan wrongful death lawsuit asserts that the victim was killed or died as a result of the negligence of an individual, city, business, or doctor/hospital.  If this can be proven, the victim’s relatives are entitled to money damages resulting from the death. These damages include loss of earnings, loss of services, loss of society and companionship, and other types of damages.

In a wrongful death case, the family member has a Personal Representative appointed who hires a lawyer to bring the lawsuit on behalf of the family.  If the family cannot agree on who should be appointed, the probate court judge makes the decision.  When the lawsuit settles, all family members have the opportunity to agree to the manner in which the settlement money will be shared amongst themselves, but if they cannot do so, the court makes the final determination.

It is important to hire an attorney who specializes in Michigan Wrongful Death Lawsuits.  The laws for these cases are complex and technical and the failure to specifically follow those requirements can destroy your case.

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343 S. Main Street, #206
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Phone: (734) 780-7633
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