Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Ann Arbor Create United States Steroid Injection Fungal Meningitis Outbreak Infographic
The Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. medical malpractice lawyers in Ann Arbor recently created an infographic on the recent United States meningitis outbreak linked to steroid injections. The infographic was created to aid those victims who are currently suffering from meningitis due to the injection, as well as make others who have also received the injection aware of the symptoms of this disease, and how it spreads throughout the body. Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. is a Southfield law firm that is actively investigating the legal rights of patients who have been injured or died due to the meningitis outbreak due to steroid injection.
The United States Steroid Injection Fungal Meningitis Outbreak infographic visually displays the most recent statistics of injury cases and deaths reported due to fungal meningitis linked to steroid injection throughout the U.S. (both an U.S. map and chart are used), a description of the disease, the signs and symptoms of fungal meningitis, as well as where the needle is injected into a patient who receives the medication.
To learn more about the recent meningitis outbreak and to see the United States Steroid Injection Fungal Meningitis Outbreak
infographic visit
All infected patients received injection with preservative-free methylprednisolone acetate prepared by New England Compounding Center (NECC), located in Framingham, MA. 257 cases of patients who suffer from the fungal infection linked to steroid injections has been reported thus far. 20 reports of death to a patient from fungal meningitis due to steroid injection in the U.S. have also been reported.
The State of Michigan is the number two state for the highest reports of injury cases (49) and death (4) linked to the injection.
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The United States Steroid Injection Fungal Meningitis Outbreak graphic by Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. If you share our infographic, please include the link of its source:
Buckfire& Buckfire, P.C. is a Ann Arbor personal injury law firm representing patients who have been injured or died due to the meningitis outbreak due to steroid injection. The award winning law firm has a team of top-rated experienced attorneys that specialize in medical malpractice and wrongful death lawsuits and have a reputation and track record for obtaining sizeable settlements for their injured clients and families.
Call our office now at (800) 606-1717 or simply fill out the Get Help Now Box to the right of this page and click to send. We
will start working on your case immediately, obtaining all of the medical records, personally review them, and consult the case with a board certified physician. We will represent you under our No Fee Promise, meaning you do not pay any legal fees until we win or settle your case.